Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Reflections...

Looking back on the months gone by,
As a new year starts and an old one ends,
We contemplate what brought us joy,
And we think of our loved ones and our friends.
Recalling all the happy times,
Remembering how they enriched our lives,
We reflect upon who really counts,
As the fresh and bright new year arrives.
And when we ponder those who do,
We immediately think of you.
Thanks for being one of the reasons we'll have a Happy New Year!
     We eagerly anticipate the arrival of our bundle of joy in just a few weeks time (6 to be precise) and, as we look back upon all of our many blessings we've had the pleasure of enjoying this past year, we are nothing but grateful to the Lord above! We pray that each and every one of you have a blessed New Year full of celebration of the year gone by and the year to come.
 ~ Our houghts and prayers are with you all, as always ~  
Happy 2013 from the Elkins

Monday, December 10, 2012

9 Weeks to go!

The countdown to the day we get to meet our little one is now in the single digits! We've reached the 31-week mark today and are starting to get very eager for the big day. I had an appointment this morning to go over my blood work from my last visit. All levels are normal and, other than some slight joint pain and discomfort, I am feeling quite well. The baby is developing on schedule, gaining weight right along with me (although, I seem to be gaining more than he/she... funny how THAT works). My next appointment is over Christmas vacation in about two weeks. All of the hours left over from my paid leave balance will be used in February, so I have been trying to schedule around school the best I can. So far, the weather has been cooperative for those really early morning visits and I've had no problems getting to Bismarck and back without delays. Thanks to the road-crews for keeping the highways and interstate as clear as possible - keep up the good work! We've officially begun registering for baby/nursery items: is our first compiled list and I will be working to create a registry at Target as well. We'll keep you all posted as the weeks progress :) Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers - we appreciate all of the support! registry:
  1. Go to
  2. In the left menu: "Shop by Department" you'll find the option for "Toys, Kids, and Baby" and a  window to the right will appear allowing you to select "Baby Registry"
  3. Type in "Savannah" and "Elkins" in the fields where you're prompted and you should be directed to the list of items we've placed on our registry

*I'll be adding new items to the list in the next few weeks, after I've had the chance to research a little regarding what items we need and the top products for new parents. If you have suggestions, please let me know - I'm new to this! ;)

Feb. 6th 2012 - We're now also registered at Target :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

So blessed, So thankful!

As the Thanksgiving holiday is mere hours away, I couldn't help but realize that we don't have to look too hard to see that we are truly blessed.. We have one another to have and to hold, we are safe and warm with a roof over our heads, and we have so much to look forward to in the approaching months!

I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of my family (mom and dad, grama and grampa, Kenzie and Adam) for the holiday weekend. Just a year ago, they were traveling down to Beulah to help us move into our new home. This year, I've planned to put together the whole traditional spread (with help from the 'veterans'... Dad and Grama). I am eager to learn-the-ropes and be able to host one of my favorite holidays from this day forward. I've spent the weekend cleaning and finishing with my holiday decorating/baking and am eager for some much needed family-time. With good weather for traveling in the forecast, it looks to be a relatively good holiday to be on the roads or in the air. With the weather being so unseasonably mild in the past few years, perhaps we can entice the Elkins to travel from sunny California to join us next year?! Though, the weather for Thursday itself might not be too pleasant... hopefully by then, all will be inside and enjoying food, warmth and family :)

May you and your's also take account of all that God has blessed you with and share a moment, of silent prayer, to thank Him for His graces! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

7 Months!

We recently had our 7-month checkup in Bismarck, which included a second ultrasound. The doctor wanted to rule out any 'problems' that are typically associated with measuring too big in accordance with the week of pregnancy (i.e. typically, at 28 weeks, you would measure 28 inches from pubic bone to the top of the uterus). If this measurement is not accompanied by too large of a weight gain by the mother, which in my case it is not, then they will normally schedule an ultrasound to look for any other abnormalities that would cause such an occurrence. I measured a few inches too large at my last appointment and again at this checkup. But, we received good results/data from the ultrasound... I am not producing too much amniotic fluid, the baby is growing at a normal pace and is right on track, AND I am showing no signs of gestational diabetes (a few of the biggest reasons behind having a larger-than-normal weekly measurement). My doctor simply explained it as a "mothering trend." Or, in other words, something that is possibly going to be common for me in this pregnancy and any future pregnancies. It may also be the position of the baby, which is breach and higher in my abdomen. The baby may simply be distending my belly at a higher point and lending a hand in the odd measurement. We were happy to receive good news - very reassuring. At my next appointment, in two weeks (as we've reached the point where appointments will be spaced by about two weeks vs. every four), I will have some blood work done to test my glucose and other such levels. Looking forward to more positive results and more opportunities to hear that our little one is healthy and happy! :)

Happy Hunting!

This past weekend, Steve and I headed down to Elgin, ND to hunt for the opening of deer gun season. Each year, we're invited to hunt with the family of Steve's good friend KC Bo (Koepplin) just south of Elgin and in the surrounding area. Not only is it usually a weekend of delicious food, all homemade I might add, but it's usually a great time spent telling stories/jokes while driving along section lines looking for the "big one." We ended up filling five buck tags (yes, I said FIVE) in one day! I was lucky enough to fill my whitetail buck tag amidst the snow storm... while Brandi, KC's little sister, filled her buck tag just a few hundred yards away. Leave it to the girls to take care of business no matter how nasty it was outside! It was a great weekend, as always, and a fun adventure :) Steve is headed back to Elgin for the next couple of days and into the weekend to try and fill his "any buck" tag along with KC. No doubt, as always when those two boys are together, it'll be a weekend of stories and "...i wish we would have had that on camera" situations. Good luck boys!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

25 Weeks!

We're approaching the 25 week mark (Monday) and momma/baby are feeling good! At my last checkup, I measured a bit bigger than I should be at this week mark (not in weight, in fact I'm a little behind in that) so at my next appointment we will do another ultrasound to determine the cause. Could be that the baby's position is simply pushing outward, there is too much amniotic fluid, development of gestational diabetes OR this is just one big baby (among other possibilities)! No matter the outcome, there are relatively simply measures/procedures we can take to ensure the health of both momma and baby... so, no worries everyone... all is well :) Baby is becoming more and more active as the weeks go on and we've discovered that Leopold has quite the calming effect. He will curl up on my belly and begin purring which immediately puts the baby at ease and the kicks cease. It's a pretty comical sight to see, as Leopold is no small cat, but he's definitely a cuddler and I appreciate his ability to calm our little peanut down... (s)he is getting big enough to where some of those kicks/punches are a little uncomfortable! Both of the cats have also taken to sleeping in the new nursery. They've quickly made the crib their own and are often found snuggling with the baby's teddy. Once the baby is big enough, I have a feeling all three of them will be cuddled up together :)

The Beulah Miners football team is set to play in the first round of playoffs this weekend vs. Wahpeton. It's a home game, so I will be manning the concession stand with my juniors (bundled up like Arctic explorers no doubt, it's predicted to be a cold afternoon). Send good luck our way as this class of athletes is going for their 3rd trip to a state tournament (boys basketball and baseball last fall and spring) in less than a year! Also, our volleyball girls will be showing what they've got in the district tournament, they play on Monday. GO MINERS!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

22 Weeks (Almost 6 months)

We have met the end of the second trimester and now we are into the home-stretch! I am still feeling good (heavier than normal, but hey... it's expected) and have had good results for all lab tests up to this point. "Baby" is doing well and spending all of his/her day napping and then all night apparently practicing his/her acrobatic routines. I must admit, the movement is rather comical and it's good to know the baby is actively growing and exploring their space (which technically, is MY space but apparently he/she could care less?)! We have our 23 week/6 month check-up on Wednesday the 17th and are looking forward to hearing more good news and getting a chance to hear a healthy heart beat again (fingers crossed). We'll keep you all posted!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy October!

Couldn't help but feel like a kid again, getting excited for October 31st, as I was putting up my Halloween tree... compliments of my lovely little grandmother. As you can gather from the photos below, most of them are they are hand-stitched with love - witches, ghosts, haunted houses, pumpkins, etc. Just another "little nothing," to quote my great-grandmother Elsie, that adds happiness to this time of year :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Our Little 'Punkin'...

We had the opportunity, this past week, to see our little one via ultrasound. We've made it to 20-weeks and both momma and baby are feeling great! The doctor was happy with our little one's growth and all of the baby's measurements are on par with this stage of development. I've been feeling good so far and my appetite is quickly returning to full-force... and then some. It was so neat to see our little one moving around and seemingly squirming with joy. The technician was having a tough time avoiding the baby's eagerness to show off it's gender and was laughing at him/her for 'talking' during the entire ultrasound... I wonder what side of the family that comes from?!

Autumn Treasures...

Autumn has officially arrived... it doesn't take more than a glance outside at the 'painted' trees and shrubs as well as the recently harvested crops and bare, stubble fields to notice that fall is upon us. Not only that, but the daily temperature highs and lows also give you a glimpse of the fleeting warmth of summer and the approaching cold of winter. I took advantage of the energy and lift-of-spirit this new season has instilled in me and began emptying my closets of clothes, knick-knacks, books etc and held my own yard-sale a few weeks ago. I was positive everything I put out on those tables was a treasure (who doesn't think everything they own is great?) just waiting to be plucked from the treasure chest by someone who shared my love of modern and eclectic, antique and refurbished. We were utterly surprised as the amount of items we sold and the profit we made - apparently, I've got great taste?! I was also granted an hour reprieve, from running the sale, from my understanding husband who knew I could not possible spend the entire day selling my own things and miss out on the hunt! In that time, I was able to find a one-of-a-kind little chair... a circa 1970's mustard yellow accent chair for a reasonable price. Which has found itself at home in a corner of my dining room...

And, now that I have decorated the house in the hues to match the changing colors of the season and have candles releasing the scent of pumpkin spice and apple pie, I feel that I am totally ready for all that autumn has in store for me/us... take a deep breath of that cool, refreshing harvest air and smile!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Back - 2 - School!

The last weekend of summer (for my district and many others) is upon us... We will be beginning in-services on Monday and school is back in session on Wednesday. As August was approaching, I will admit I was not excited in the least. That meant that summer as we knew it was over and pretty soon we'd be back in the grind. However, now that I've been in my classroom a few times to prepare for the students I feel a little better about things. There is something about going up to the school for a bit, the week before it all starts, that helps to settle my nerves and build my confidence. Yes, I'm ready... let's do this!

New addition to my classroom this year, Walter (he's SO ready for a new school year)!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

And the Journey Begins...

Now that we've shared our exciting news, I'll give everyone an opportunity to follow along with us on our journey to bringing our little one into the world...

(14 Weeks & Feeling good!)

As Summer Fades Into Fall...

Call me strange, but I love the changing of the seasons. Autumn in particular is one of my favorite seasons... the smells, the colors of fall... nothing can beat it. Winter however, by far, is my favorite time of the year. My world is somehow more beautiful, clean and crisp when covered in brand new, sparkling white snow. Most people would beg to differ... they have a difficult time seeing the beauty of this time of the year for the shoveling, icy road conditions, and cabin fever outbreaks. But, if you take a moment, you may realize that we are about to embark on a gorgeous time of the year in North Dakota... sometimes you just have to look past the "difficult" to see the "beauty." :)

It's been a while since I have updated my blog. This is for no other reason than being simply too busy to log-in and put into words all the fun we've been having this summer! We've recently returned from two weekends worth of weddings. On August 4th, we celebrated the marriage of my little sister McKenzie to her  husband, Adam in Stanley ND. It was so special celebrating with the Jarmins as they enter this new chapter in their lives! On August 11th, we were in Austin MN celebrating the marriage of Stephen's younger brother, James to the new Mrs. Emily Elkins. The first half of August was full of traveling, but it was a nice opportunity for us to get away and spend time with family before my school year begins.

So, in closing, to all the students/teachers out there.. cheers to a new "year!" And for all others, enjoy the fleeting days of summer and the changes our lives will go through in the next month or so... I am hoping it's a joyful one for all :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


        Stephen and I are happy to announce that we are expecting our first child in February! We've begun the initial appointments, screenings and so far all is well. Right now, the due date is the 11th, which just so happens to be my grandpa's birthday! I LOVE winter (yes, I know... I've been told before something must be wrong with me) and I am very eager to receive our first-born during such a beautiful time of the year. This next 7-months/year will no doubt be busy and hectic, but ... with God's blessings and guidance... We are excited for this new journey we have found ourselves on!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Girls Weekend in MN...

I am eagerly anticipating a Girls Weekend with two of my favorite girls, Bettina and Lora, and our newest edition to the "club"... Zoe Grace! I can't wait to hang out with this little cutie...

Trip to the Canadian Rockies...

    Recently, my grandparents, parents and Stephen and I spent a few days touring the Canadian Rockies via the Rockie Mountaineer. We traveled from Vancouver BC to Calgary AB. It was an absolutely beautiful experience and it was wonderful to enjoy together. It was mine and Stephen's honeymoon and it was awesome to spend it with two very important couples in our lives. My grandparents will be celebrating their 61st anniversary this coming August (and my youngest sister and her future husband will be exchanging their vows in the same month) and my parents will be celebrating their 30th this coming September (along with Stephen and I's 1st anniversary). So, as you can see, it was a very special trip for all of us to take together. Our vacation had a bit of a "rockie" start... my grampa tripped on my front stoop in the dark and misty wee hours of the morning on our way to the airport and my grandmother misplaced her credit card, ID, etc (thankfully, not until after we made it through customs). But, after that all that it was a smooth ride!

I experienced a little bit of a "role reversal" as I bandaged my grampa's knee (notice the Mickey Mouse band-aid):

A few of my favorite views of the trip:

Here are a few more photos of our scenic journey for you to enjoy...

Canadian Rockies Trip - Album

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hidden Treasures...

   This old hutch was 'rescued' by the previous owners of our house. I brought it in from the backyard patio and, with a little TLC, we've restored it and it's one of my favorite items in my kitchen. The owl cookie jars are recycled gifts from my grandma. I have been in love with them since I was a little girl (I could probably tell you exactly where they were displayed in my grandparents home(s) in Sawyer and then in Minot) and, this past Christmas, my grandma gave them to me - I could not have been more delighted! The other items are mix-n-match pieces I've picked up from flea markets, rummage sales and the like. I like to think of the word "eclectic" as a compliment - Haha!

     This is plate is one of a whole set of dishes I purchased this past weekend and I love, love love them! The set is antique but, would fit right in in any neighborhood Pier! And, because I had more dishes than I could possible display (w/o looking like an episode of "Hoarders"), I tried painting a few with acrylic paint to add some color to my cabinets (below). I've got a few eggplant, sage, mustard, pumpkin... all of which look great against my Italian white dishes.

     Needless to say, I love finding new 'treasures' and getting a great deal... it was an awesome Saturday spent with my friend, Nicole! Who, I must mention, found a few awesome bargains herself. Can't wait to see it all displayed in her new home this summer!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wedding Photos

Here are few photos, shared from my Google+ account, of our wedding on Sept. 10th, 2011 :)

A New Day is Rising...

“Sun is shining. Weather is sweet. Makes you wanna move your dancing feet.”- Bob Marley

Looking Forward...

     It is the end of another school year and the beginning of what looks to be a very exciting summer! My in-laws, Gary and Christi E. will be coming to visit over the Memorial Day weekend, on their way to visit their youngest son James, and a few friends along the way. Liberty Z., my oldest niece, will be graduating in May. I can't believe she's already eighteen (I am sure her parents might agree) and I am so excited for all the wonderful things she will experience as she takes this next step in her life. My parents, grandparents, and Stephen and I will be taking a trip to the Canadian Rockies in the beginning of June. We are greatly looking forward to spending time with the family and enjoying the natural beauty of the mountains, from Vancouver to Calgary. The remainder of the summer will be filled with bridal showers, bachelorette parties and hopefully a visit to Minnesota to meet baby Zoe and spend time with my girls, Bettina S. and Lora J. I also look forward to a concert or two at the NDSF - Zac Brown Band here I come! My baby sister, McKenzie is getting married to her fiance' Adam on August 4th and my brother-in-law James and his fiance Emily are tying the knot on August 12th; in both weddings I am a bridesmaid.

     Sound busy? I hope so! This will be one of the first summers in a loooooong while that I will not be working over the summer and am grateful for the chance to enjoy a wide-open schedule... Perhaps it's time to take up a new hobby (knitting), finish some home-improvement projects (painting the deck, some minor landscaping, etc) and who knows what else will find itself on my plate? BRING IT ON, summer!