Thursday, October 25, 2012

25 Weeks!

We're approaching the 25 week mark (Monday) and momma/baby are feeling good! At my last checkup, I measured a bit bigger than I should be at this week mark (not in weight, in fact I'm a little behind in that) so at my next appointment we will do another ultrasound to determine the cause. Could be that the baby's position is simply pushing outward, there is too much amniotic fluid, development of gestational diabetes OR this is just one big baby (among other possibilities)! No matter the outcome, there are relatively simply measures/procedures we can take to ensure the health of both momma and baby... so, no worries everyone... all is well :) Baby is becoming more and more active as the weeks go on and we've discovered that Leopold has quite the calming effect. He will curl up on my belly and begin purring which immediately puts the baby at ease and the kicks cease. It's a pretty comical sight to see, as Leopold is no small cat, but he's definitely a cuddler and I appreciate his ability to calm our little peanut down... (s)he is getting big enough to where some of those kicks/punches are a little uncomfortable! Both of the cats have also taken to sleeping in the new nursery. They've quickly made the crib their own and are often found snuggling with the baby's teddy. Once the baby is big enough, I have a feeling all three of them will be cuddled up together :)

The Beulah Miners football team is set to play in the first round of playoffs this weekend vs. Wahpeton. It's a home game, so I will be manning the concession stand with my juniors (bundled up like Arctic explorers no doubt, it's predicted to be a cold afternoon). Send good luck our way as this class of athletes is going for their 3rd trip to a state tournament (boys basketball and baseball last fall and spring) in less than a year! Also, our volleyball girls will be showing what they've got in the district tournament, they play on Monday. GO MINERS!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

22 Weeks (Almost 6 months)

We have met the end of the second trimester and now we are into the home-stretch! I am still feeling good (heavier than normal, but hey... it's expected) and have had good results for all lab tests up to this point. "Baby" is doing well and spending all of his/her day napping and then all night apparently practicing his/her acrobatic routines. I must admit, the movement is rather comical and it's good to know the baby is actively growing and exploring their space (which technically, is MY space but apparently he/she could care less?)! We have our 23 week/6 month check-up on Wednesday the 17th and are looking forward to hearing more good news and getting a chance to hear a healthy heart beat again (fingers crossed). We'll keep you all posted!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy October!

Couldn't help but feel like a kid again, getting excited for October 31st, as I was putting up my Halloween tree... compliments of my lovely little grandmother. As you can gather from the photos below, most of them are they are hand-stitched with love - witches, ghosts, haunted houses, pumpkins, etc. Just another "little nothing," to quote my great-grandmother Elsie, that adds happiness to this time of year :)