Wednesday, November 21, 2012

So blessed, So thankful!

As the Thanksgiving holiday is mere hours away, I couldn't help but realize that we don't have to look too hard to see that we are truly blessed.. We have one another to have and to hold, we are safe and warm with a roof over our heads, and we have so much to look forward to in the approaching months!

I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of my family (mom and dad, grama and grampa, Kenzie and Adam) for the holiday weekend. Just a year ago, they were traveling down to Beulah to help us move into our new home. This year, I've planned to put together the whole traditional spread (with help from the 'veterans'... Dad and Grama). I am eager to learn-the-ropes and be able to host one of my favorite holidays from this day forward. I've spent the weekend cleaning and finishing with my holiday decorating/baking and am eager for some much needed family-time. With good weather for traveling in the forecast, it looks to be a relatively good holiday to be on the roads or in the air. With the weather being so unseasonably mild in the past few years, perhaps we can entice the Elkins to travel from sunny California to join us next year?! Though, the weather for Thursday itself might not be too pleasant... hopefully by then, all will be inside and enjoying food, warmth and family :)

May you and your's also take account of all that God has blessed you with and share a moment, of silent prayer, to thank Him for His graces! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

7 Months!

We recently had our 7-month checkup in Bismarck, which included a second ultrasound. The doctor wanted to rule out any 'problems' that are typically associated with measuring too big in accordance with the week of pregnancy (i.e. typically, at 28 weeks, you would measure 28 inches from pubic bone to the top of the uterus). If this measurement is not accompanied by too large of a weight gain by the mother, which in my case it is not, then they will normally schedule an ultrasound to look for any other abnormalities that would cause such an occurrence. I measured a few inches too large at my last appointment and again at this checkup. But, we received good results/data from the ultrasound... I am not producing too much amniotic fluid, the baby is growing at a normal pace and is right on track, AND I am showing no signs of gestational diabetes (a few of the biggest reasons behind having a larger-than-normal weekly measurement). My doctor simply explained it as a "mothering trend." Or, in other words, something that is possibly going to be common for me in this pregnancy and any future pregnancies. It may also be the position of the baby, which is breach and higher in my abdomen. The baby may simply be distending my belly at a higher point and lending a hand in the odd measurement. We were happy to receive good news - very reassuring. At my next appointment, in two weeks (as we've reached the point where appointments will be spaced by about two weeks vs. every four), I will have some blood work done to test my glucose and other such levels. Looking forward to more positive results and more opportunities to hear that our little one is healthy and happy! :)

Happy Hunting!

This past weekend, Steve and I headed down to Elgin, ND to hunt for the opening of deer gun season. Each year, we're invited to hunt with the family of Steve's good friend KC Bo (Koepplin) just south of Elgin and in the surrounding area. Not only is it usually a weekend of delicious food, all homemade I might add, but it's usually a great time spent telling stories/jokes while driving along section lines looking for the "big one." We ended up filling five buck tags (yes, I said FIVE) in one day! I was lucky enough to fill my whitetail buck tag amidst the snow storm... while Brandi, KC's little sister, filled her buck tag just a few hundred yards away. Leave it to the girls to take care of business no matter how nasty it was outside! It was a great weekend, as always, and a fun adventure :) Steve is headed back to Elgin for the next couple of days and into the weekend to try and fill his "any buck" tag along with KC. No doubt, as always when those two boys are together, it'll be a weekend of stories and "...i wish we would have had that on camera" situations. Good luck boys!