We had our 39.5 week check-up today; along with our third ultrasound. My doctor wanted to get an idea of how big the baby was, as I have consistently measured greater than the number of weeks. This is due mostly to the positioning of this little peanut; he or she prefers to stay close to the front of my body and stick his/her little butt out. Everything, all levels and measurements, is/are normal... baby is estimated to be about 7.5 pounds (
but of course, this is hit or miss... could be off by a pound or so in either direction). My doctor is confident there will be no problems with the delivery and is thinking I will be ready to go any day now. IF this little one decides to host a 'sit-in' we're scheduled to be induced on the 19th. She doesn't think we'll have to wait that long however, and I am definitely hoping she's right! Everything is ready for this little one to make their grand entrance into this world... We've got our fingers crossed it's sooner rather than later :)
I hope those pudgy cheeks have dimples!....
The nursery is stocked and ready to go!...
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