Monday, May 20, 2013

Hellooooooooo Summer!

The countdown to summer began in August, for most students and their teachers.  I am very happy that school has come to a close for this academic year and I welcome my eagerly anticipated summer vacation! This summer will be the first one spent with my son and, aside from "to-do" list that Stephen and I have put together regarding the house and yard, I relish the idea of getting to spend quality time with Grady.

I have a number of indoor and outdoor projects on my plate. We had planned on putting up a new fence around our yard, as our previous fence was destroyed by a wind storm in early November. However, after the insurance company gave us the quote for the amount they'd be willing to reimburse, that plan was nixed. Now, we're working on a plan regarding some DIY landscaping that will hopefully add some aesthetic value to our home, both front and back. We have some work to do on our downstairs bathroom, after we had a plumbing leak in the ceiling over Thanksgiving. Stephen and Gary (his father) worked on the repairs while they came to visit after Grady was born. The dry walling needs to be taped and then I plan to paint, among other little updates. I'm working on an online scrapbook for Grady. It will record his first year of life and include event such as his birth, baptism, monthly photos,  holidays, etc. I have most of the layouts put together and, as each milestone/event is met, I can simply add the snapshots. It will be ready to print in February and so far, it's looking great!

This year will be my 10-year high school reunion over the fourth of July. I'm very excited to get the opportunity to see and catch-up with my classmates. We've all been through and experienced a great deal since we graduated in May of 2003 and I am eager to see those friendly faces and hear their life-stories.

The Elkins will be coming to visit in July, as their second grand-child (James and Emily's little one) is due in the beginning of the month. We're always excited for them to come visit and Grady has changed a great deal since they last saw him, so they're in for a surprise!

We're excited for everything this summer has in store for us :) Bring on the sunshine!

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